Problem solving

  • You need support while designing a machine or a device?
  • You do not know, how to improve your solution?
  • You want to remove production process bottleneck?

You have just found what you are looking for. We have walked this path many times already and we know how to cope with every project or production problem.

Industrial processes optimisation

We have many years of experience in optimisation of industrial processes. We gained that experience managing our own firm, as well as coopering with our customers. How do we do it?

  • we analyse the process for the purpose of finding of the areas that could constitute the “bottlenecks” of the process,
  • we diagnose the ineffectiveness causes in the identified areas,
  • we look for the technical solutions to optimise the process and support their implementation in the customer’s firm.

Preparing a product for production

We plan the entire production process, from the technical project to the implementation of the optimal production technology.

  • we analyse the necessary steps aimed at commencing of the production,
  • we optimise the projects in respect of the production costs minimisation,
  • we find the best technical solutions that ensure effective production,
  • we offer innovative, optimised solution, if a dedicated solution is not available on the market.

New products development

The path from an idea to implementation is a hard one, we are the guide who can make it easier, because we walked it ourselves many times

  • we check whether the expectations of a customer can be met with the use of the available technologies and tools,
  • we look for the best compromise between the expectations and the technical feasibility of goal achievement,
  • we design the solutions ensuring the increase in the product competitiveness and building the competitive advantage of our customer,
  • we prepare product presentations (multimedia and graphic materials).

You need information or support in connection with your problem?

Contact us. We will be able to help for sure.


If you need to contact our advisor quickly, you can call:

+48 664 005 054